With February just around the corner, the realization of leaving is starting to hit me a little bit. Just 49 days until take off! It still seems crazy that I'm actually doing this. But it feels like I'm getting closer to finding out why I'm here on this earth. I can't quite articulate it, but it's almost like I know this trip will be a definite turning point in my life. It feels like I'm finally on the path that God has been trying to get me to realize.
Forty nine days! Seems like a long time, but I know it will fly. I have an appointment next Wednesday to get my shots, then all of the critical, necessary steps that had to be taken for this trip will be finished. After that, it's the noncritical, but just as important, things that I will need to do: finalizing my packing list, getting my travel "first aid" kit ready, reading more about Ghana and its culture, etc. I also need to meet with my priest, Manny, to talk through expectations and the logistics of getting from the airport in Accra to his family's home in Sekondi! I don't feel stressed, though. Just excited. And a bit nervous.