Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Immunizations and preparations

One of the last steps in preparing for my trip is done. I'm immunized for yellow fever, hepatitis A, and typhoid. Got my scripts for antimalarial and antibiotic. I met with Manny to go over some logistics, so I feel confident everything is falling into place.  Now, I just need to go get some last minute supplies and pack. Need to do a Target run for the important stuff--Tums, Imodium, & Pepto! Given my sensitive stomach, I need to be prepared! I think that's what I'm most nervous about.  Nothing is worse than having an upset stomach, especially when you are away from home.  Given that Ghana's food can be pretty spicy, I also have started trying to incorporate more spiciness into my diet. Hasn't worked very well, though! I have good intentions of adding chili powder to everything I eat, but chili powder to my morning protein shakes never sounds appealing! I think it'll be fine though. I'm not too worried.

Today is exactly 1 month until I leave. So crazy! We are in Texas right now. Decided to take the girls for a long weekend in Dallas--the cheapest place we could fly direct from Philly. Given Norah's current obsession with armadillos, Texas is the perfect family getaway right now! I just hope the only armadillos we see aren't roadkill!