Thursday, December 15, 2016

Small Great Things

I'm reading a book by Jodi Picoult (one of my favs) called "Small Great Things." The title is inspired by the quote from Martin Luther King, Jr., "If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way." This quote absolutely resonated with me, in a great, big way. I am often overwhelmed by the feeling of helplessness brought on by injustices in this world. The fact that some people just get a bad lot in life just by being born. The fact is, I am not one of those people. I was born into a wonderful, loving family and have had many privileges that a lot of people don't have the opportunity to have. I always had a secure home, family that loved me, food to eat, friends, etc. I didn't grow up wealthy, but I never felt the impact of the financial struggles of my parents, especially those of my mom once my parents divorced. I never had to worry if I was going to eat on a particular day or if my family was going to be out on the streets or if I was going to have clean clothes to wear. Because of the color of my skin--my pale, suntan-resistant, sunburn-susceptible, white skin--I never had to worry about being unfairly treated, arrested, profiled, or shot by police. I still don't. I didn't have a perfect life as a kid, but who does? I don't have a perfect life now (but, again, who does?). I just acknowledge that I've had many blessings that rarely have to do with the choices I have made or make. I believe God's plan is for all of us to do great things, even if they are small, great things. We are all capable of small, great things. I think the quote is such a good reminder that we don't need to feel overwhelmed or paralyzed by the inability to do great things--we can do small things in a great way and still have a huge impact on someone. I don't have millions to donate to organizations doing great things, but I can make a small donation or spread the word about the work they do. I don't have a lot of extra time to plan or organize a food drive, but I can offer to buy a sandwich or a cup of coffee to a man living on the street. The point is, we need to remember that we all are capable of doing small things in a great way. I know I need that reminder everyday, especially when I read about what's happening in other parts of the world, such as Syria. I feel paralyzed by the overwhelming need of those poor children who have been left orphaned. I want to do great things for them. But I know my limitations, and the reality is I can't quit my job or my life here in the U.S. to go save them all. But I can make a donation to one of the organizations that greatly need financial support. It may be small, but a donation can do great things in the right hands.

1 comment:

  1. You always were someone who had empathy and compassion for your fellow human being as the children in Ghana will see. They will be so lucky to experience your kindness and loving spirit. I did a great thing and it came in a small package the day you were born and now you are doing small things in a great way all the time. I'm so very proud and you are inspirational to everyone, including me, just because you are you. Can't wait to hear your daily experiences and the light you will shine on the children of Ghana. Love you and all the small and great things you do!
