Friday, March 17, 2017

Hello from Ghana!!

I made it to Accra safe and sound! It was an easy trip. The flight was smooth, though very crowded, so it was a bit cramped. As a result, I really couldn't sleep.  I could not get comfortable in any position for very long. But, I finally saw La La Land, which I really liked, so that was a plus 😊  Also, because we were over the ocean the entire night, looking out the window at the stars was incredible! It's easy to forget how breathtaking the night sky can be without the light polllution. All in all, it was a good trip over.

Once I arrived, I made it through customs easily then got situated with some SIM cards. And as soon as my SIM card was in my phone, I got a text from Manny saying that his brother was on his way. Perfect timing! His brother, Andrew, picked me up and got me situated at a hotel down the street from his home. One of their sisters is getting married next week so he and his wife are hosting a lot of out of town visitors right now. He will be picking me up after work and taking me to his home to meet everyone.

I was able to take a shower and get a nice long nap, so I'm feeling refreshed right now. The only issue is that I can't figure out how to access my blog site through the iPad so I'm writing this on my phone, which is tedious and the reason why this isn't a very detailed post. Or very eloquent. I am not very good texting, nor am I very fast. This post has taken me about an hour to peck out! Lol! But that's also because autocorrect has been keeping me on my toes, so I've had to go back and correct the autocorrects. Hopefully I caught them all. 😊

I will try to write again later.