Hello again! Just got home from dinner with Andrew and his beautiful family. What a fun evening! He has three children ages 6, 4, and 2--two sons and a daughter. What a bunch of cuties! They were a bit hesitant to come say hi at first, but I bribed them out with some stickers and inflatable hammers.😁 After they stuck stickers on every surface except their shirts (obviously) and beat each other senseless with the hammers (joking! I made them pinkie promise me they wouldn't hit each other with them. They actually did pretty good keeping the promise!)), we sat down to dinner. It was a very familiar scene--kids not wanting to eat, talking about silly things, getting out of their chairs multiple times, etc. Made me feel right at home and I loved it! It's remarkable how kids' behavior--and parents' reactions--are so similar, even on different continents.
Tomorrow I will spend a little more time in Accra, then I'm off to Sekondi. Apparently, I will be taking a flight there. I'm a wee bit anxious about that, I have to say. Until then, I am about to test out the effectiveness of my Steripen (a little ultraviolet light that is supposed to make the water safe to drink). 😊 Wish me luck!
Live music at the hotel bar where I had my first Ghanaian beer
Club beer
Love reading your blog sis! Good luck with your magical water laser. lol. Love you!!