Wednesday, March 29, 2017

My multimedia debut

Today I was interviewed for local tv and radio. Because Andrew is the new member of parliament (MP) for this region, he wanted to make sure people knew what I was doing here and that I brought supplies with me. It was a bit uncomfortable for me, but went pretty well. However, the people who were interviewing me did not arrive until 2:00pm (it was supposed to be 10am, but I already explained the reality of African time, right??), so I was looking a hot mess, I'm sure. Oy. Anyway, they got some footage and pictures of me teaching the kids a song and passing out books. Hopefully, it turned out ok.

Aside from that, I spent more time with the older classes. I arrived at a class this afternoon without a teacher. I thought the teacher would be arriving any minute, but an hour and a half later I was still in charge. 😯 So I did the same thing that I did yesterday--taught some songs, read some books, answered some questions, and sang the national anthem. Overall, another successful day. 😊

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure your TV and radio debut was a success! Hope you got to see it!
